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7 Safety Tips Every Beachgoer Should Know About

Posted by ecostinger on 8th Jul 2015

Whether your motive is surfing, tanning, or swimming; a day at the beach should be about relaxing and enjoying. To ensure that a beach trip is delightful and safe, it is imperative you follow some basic safety tips. In this discussion, we share some universally applicable wisdom that should make sense to every beachgoer:

1. Learn to Read the Signs

Just like road safety signs, local authorities at the beach ensure you know your way around the waters via some standard signage. These signs are easy to spot and alert you about any possible threat.

Red flags usually indicate an area of the beach prone to damaging, strong currents. This can also be a part of the beach closed to the public.

Yellow flags signify that the current is strong but not ideal for amateurs. Though the water is unlikely to be a serious threat, families should interpret it as potentially rough waters that need careful handling.

Green flags indicate a calmer beach area where you should feel safer. 

Blue/purple flags indicate possibility of dangerous marine creatures.

Note: swimming between the flags, remaining within the flagged area means decreasing your chances of being caught in a potentially life-threatening situation.

2. Prefer Patrolled & Busier Beaches

Beaches with such signs and the presence of lifeguards are a safer proposition. Many beaches have a regular staff tending to the needs of the beachgoers, educating them about basic precautions. We insist you choose beaches with such lifesaving patrols. Similarly, isolated beaches present a higher risk with least possibility of lifesaving assistance reaching to you in time. If not crowded, at least choose beaches with some human traffic.

Note: We recommend challenging yourself if you take pride in being an expert swimmer, but don't venture out of the view of guarding parties!

3. Do Your Own Weather Check

It is wise to double check on the local news or your smartphone’s updates about the current and expected weather conditions. It is wise to check the weather updates repeatedly a few hours before you hit the beach. Equally important, don't try to dare the weather. If the beach authorities say that swimming on a rainy day is not advisable, please don't push your luck!

4. Beach Sober = Beach Smart

From almost drowning themselves to risking the safety of others, drunk beach visitors are a nuisance. Alcohol-related beach accidents are easily preventable—just don't drink when you are at the beach!

5. Keep the Sunburns Away

Some degree of sun tanning is good, but extended beaching hours means you need to get some dedicated sun protection. Sun damage can quickly lead to increased risk of skin conditions like melanoma or cause permanent hyperpigmentation. We recommend investing in broad-spectrum sunscreen and choosing anti-UV swimwear that protects you against the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun.

6. Invest in Some Aquatic Protective Wear

Dangers of the sea are beyond our realm of our understanding—water plants and creatures can challenge you in the most undocumented manner. It is better to be more prepared. You can easily do this by using a sun-protective swimwear that also acts as a protective layer against stings of sea creatures.

7. Duck and Quit Rip Currents

As a responsible beachgoer, challenging rip currents should never be tried or advocated. Try to stay away from sandbars, piers and jetties—most common rip current locations!

Most importantly – Help Others!

Apart from your own safety, we hope you also keep an eye on those around you. It does little harm in calling the lifeguards or alerting people around you if you spot someone in trouble.