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Enjoy Beach Activities with these Beach Summer Activities Safety Tips

Posted by ecostinger on 17th Jun 2016

If you intend to spend your summer holiday at the beach, you need to learn important beach summer activities safety tips. A trip to the beach during summer usually leaves a memorable and enjoyable experience to many people and their families. While at the beach during summer, you can go #swimming, #surfing, #sailing or simply take a stroll along the shoreline. Here are tips that will enable you to stay safe.

Check weather reports

Just like electric devices do not work well with a bathtub, so does lighting and water. Therefore, before you go out to the beach, check weather reports to ensure that the weather out there will be safe for you and your family. If the weather forecast predicts that there will be lightning at the beach, avoid going there. Remember that the beach is going nowhere so you can always postpone your summer beach activities to ensure your safety.

Check the warning flags at the beach

Most beach access sites have warning flags. Check these flags and know what they signify. Remember that there are flags with different colors and assigned meanings in different states. Therefore, if you are unsure about the meaning of the flags, ask a lifeguard. Basically, a red flag indicates strong currents and surf. Thus, you should be careful. However, a red flag can also mean that the beach is closed. A yellow flag signifies moderate currents and surf. Thus, water can be rough though not very dangerous. It is therefore important that you stay close to the lifeguards and exercise caution. A green flag indicates a clear or calm ocean while a purple or blue flag indicates marine life that is potentially dangerous. For instance, this flag can be used where there is jellyfish which discharges venom-filled stingers into the human skin. Therefore, exercise caution and ask about the meanings of flags which you do not understand.

Watch out for rip currents

Rip currents refer to channeled water currents that flow from the shore. These currents can pull even strong swimmers from the sea very quickly. They flow under the water. Therefore, learn how to detect signs of rip currents so that you can avoid water in the areas that they sweep. Rip currents also form close to the shallow points of water such as close to the piers and jetties or sandbar. They can also occur at any beach. This makes rip currents the major risk for a beachgoer.

Do not swim alone

Even a strong swimmer should not swim alone. In fact, if you intend to engage in swimming while at the beach, learn how to swim first. Acquiring swimming skills will reduce drowning risk. If at least you cannot do doggie paddle, never try to swim. Remember that swimming in an ocean is different from swimming in a lake or a calm pool. An ocean has strong surf to deal with. If you engage in beach summer swimming with a person who cannot swim, make sure that they have a properly fitting lifejacket.

Watch out for the waves

This is one of the major beach summer activities safety tips that any beachgoer should know. Waves are powerful than you might think. Some of the injuries that are caused by waves include simple sprains, dislocated shoulders, broken collarbones, spinal injuries and blunt trauma that affect body organs. Waves that usually break on the shore directly instead of breaking some yards out then roll in slowly are potentially dangerous because they can cause serious spinal and neck injuries.

Stay sober

Some of the drowning-related injuries among beachgoers aged more than 15 years are mostly alcohol-related. If you drink alcohol before you go to the beach or while at the beach, alcohol will affect your judgment and dehydrate you. This will increase the risk of heat-related illnesses. Therefore, if you intend to engage in beach summer activities, avoid drinking alcohol to ensure your safety.

Protect your skin

While engaging in beach summer activities, your skin will be exposed to the sun. However, there are dangers of exposing your skin to the sun for a prolonged period. Single blistering sunburn in adolescence or childhood can more than double your chances of developing melanoma at some point in life. More sunburn increases your risk of developing melanoma. Therefore, protect your skin from sun damage and sunburn by applying sunscreen regularly and properly. Always reapply sunscreen each time you emerge from the water.

Basically, these are the major beach summer activities safety tips to follow. If you have a safety-related question while at the beach, always ask the lifeguards that are on duty.