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Jellyfish Season and USA Beaches

Posted by ecostinger on 8th Apr 2018

We all love having a good time at the beach with our family and friends, but our summer could be
darkened when being stung by a jellyfish. Although they can be pointed as
beautiful and ethereal animals for their bodies in which you can see through,
their sting is very painful, causes eruption, redness, inflammation and with a
severe exposure: infections.

In the first instance, to prevent this sort of uncomfortable event you must make some
research with your family and friends about the beaches that are most likely to
be inhabited by jellyfishes. And also the time of the year that they’re
normally closer to the shores.

Jellyfishes sympathize better with warm waters, means that June through late August are the
months in which you better get your full body swimsuit, however, Ann Barse, a
professor of Biology at Salisbury University stated that due to the climate
changes the earth has been facing, the jellyfish season can start in May and
stay until September.

Beaches with high jellyfish presence in the US.

The Bahamas:

These islands are a very popular choice for tourists from all around the world, for the variety of
beaches it has, The Bahamas promise that there is one ideal beach for each
person. Getting stung by a jellyfish is possible but there are fewer
probabilities in the Bahamas than any other beach of the Caribbean, still,
their security team sets up a preventive net in the water to keep their
visitors safe.


If we were doing a countdown of the most jellyfish inhabited beaches in the US, Florida would get
the crown. With the Moon Jellyfish, the Portuguese Man o’ War, the Atlantic Sea
Nettle, the Cannonball Jellyfish, and the By the Wind sailor, the shores
adds up 5 different types of jellyfish.

Some serious security networks should be displayed during high season in order to protect all the

North Carolina:

Beaches on North Carolina also have reported an increase of jellyfish presence by the month of
May, last year. The most curious part of this case is that the sea was still
cold and rough, as reported by Bob Ludwig, its Water Rescue. Although the whole
team was used to the high jellyfish presence throughout the years, they said
that the increase was worth to report.

Full body swimsuit and other jellyfish preventions

Wearing a full body swimsuit can be the best prevention you and your family can make. Nonetheless, if you or
someone near got stung already the best you can do is:

If you are close to your hotel, set up the hot water as hot as you can, it neutralizes the pain.

Mix vinegar and water and apply to the affected area.

Ice cubes are also productive and easy to find while on the beach.

Do not robe the affected area with your towel, or any other aggressive material.

If the exposure was too severe, apply antiseptic 3 times a day to prevent further infections.

If you are informed that the jellyfish season is high where you are, use appropriate swimming wear.

There are sun blockers with jellyfish protection, consult with your skin doctor about them.