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Sunscreen how and when to apply

Posted by ecostinger on 22nd Oct 2014

Many recognizes the importance of sunscreen and how it protect the skin from the sun's ultra-violet radiation. 

Anyone over six months old can wear sunscreen which must contain sunscreen protection factor (SPF) minimum 15 for adults and minimum 30 for kids. It is important to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before being exposed to the sun to give time to penetrate the skin and must re-apply every certain time as instructed by manufacturer, depending on SPF ratings (SPF15 or SPF30, etc..). Taking into consideration what time our skin is exposed to the sun can also affect how and when to re-apply sunscreen for best UV protection; The sun's UV radiation are much stronger between 10am and 4pm than any other time even if it is cloudy.

When the ultraviolet rays strikes a bare skin it is very risky to develop skin disease. Dermatologists advise to apply more sunscreen not only to prevent skin cancer but also for aging purposes. Sunscreen protects from radiation for a certain amount of time but knowing how and when it is applied is another important factor and still dr’s and experts consider that clothing is the main defense against sunlight. Not all sunscreens works the same it depends on the ingredients some work better than others and better to use creams instead of sprays and powder so will not inhale them by mistake and hurt our lungs.

All women and most men like to look much younger so using sunscreens containing sun protective factor (SPF) everyday over the years will help keep skin healthy and elastic which in turn help looking younger than people not using sunscreen. It is important that sunscreen is sweat-proof or water-proof otherwise it is essential to keep reapply on skin during the day. Just take bit more time to read about the ingredients before choosing the best sunscreen fr your skin. 

As mentioned by Alexandra Sifferlin on June 4, 2013 “ That being said, current ingredients used in the U.S. are effective. The stricter regulations are largely intended to keep brands from making false claims. “The FDA has done a good job at simplifying how you understand what the sunscreen does,” says Day.”

When using sunscreen, first put on your hand and if you feel any allergic reaction or skin problem do not apply on other parts of your skin. Simply try another sunscreen with different ingredients until you find the one that suits your skin. Always check expiration of sunscreen before using.

Taking into consideration the type of skin will surely help how and when to apply sunscreen. Example winter pale skin will burn faster than summer tanned skin and may need more sunscreen application. 

No sunscreen is really waterproof. However waterproof labelled sunscreen will protect up to 40 minutes in water. 

Ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer. The ozone layer is the primary defense against the sun UV radiation however excess human activities has contributed to the deterioration of the ozone causing a giant hole above Antarctica.

Sunscreen if applied regularly specially when outdoor can help keep the skin healthy, slow wrinkles and aging and prevent brown spots. 

There is no need to look for the most expensive sunscreen to have the best protection because some information on NBC news by Linda Carroll show that a new study by Consumer Reports found that the most effective sunscreens on the market are also the least expensive and according to the Cancer Research UK the cheaper brands are just as effective if used properly. According to my experience and readings using any sunscreen is better than using nothing.

Most researches shows that people who stay in the shade and wear appropriate long sleeves clothes are burnt less than the people who depends on sunscreens alone. Therefore wearing sun protection swimwear and uv protective clothing is a great defense against the sun UV radiation all day long.