
Look Younger And Prevent Aging

Posted by ecostinger on 2nd Dec 2014

Wrinkles are the first signs of aging, in addition to sagging which is one of the signs of getting older. Over time the skin starts producing less oil which is necessary to keep the skin looking young, as a result the skin becomes drier and less firm, this also cause thinning of the epidermis and reduce blood flow to the skin.  There are cosmetics products that can help in prolongi …
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List of the Best Foods & Supplements to Protect Our Skin from The Sun

Posted by ecostinger on 5th Nov 2014

Sunscreens and sun clothing protect our skin from the sun heat and uv radiation. However some food can also provide protection from the sun. Sunscreens can be dangerous if they are misused or contain the wrong ingredients, its always advisable to check the EWG database before buying the right sunscreen. Using alternative natural ways to protect the skin such as wearing hats and shirt …
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