Is Sun Protection Swimwear Enough To Provide Adequate Skin Protection From UV Radiation?
Posted by ecostinger on 24th Feb 2016
Sun protection swimwear is special type of swim wear designed specifically to protect your skin from the harmful Ultraviolet radiation. If over exposed, the sun UV radiation can cause damage to the skin tissues and may lead to skin cancer. Wearing sun protective swimwear with UPF50+ sunblock can provide effective protection against the sun UV rays.
Different types of Skin protective swimwe
Skin Protection – A Look At UV Radiation And Other Factors
Posted by ecostinger on 30th Dec 2015
Fact remains that skin protection is among the most talked about topics when it comes to human health. In fact, research and discussion surrounding this issue has been rising in the last decade as people seek to solutions to protecting the skin against different elements. As the largest organ in the human body, the skin is most exposed to the environment. This means it is also the most susceptible
Swimming Sports In America Is Becoming A Popular Water Activity
Posted by ecostinger on 30th Dec 2015
Swimming sports in America has become a great activity. Swimming as a sport allows most people to use their leisure time and at the same time pursue health and fitness interests. Swimming interests Americans of all classes, ages, races and social status. Swimming has brought with it competitions that bring awards to America and to many individuals, swimming is a full time career. Billions are spen
Win A Free EcoStinger Sun Protection Product
Posted by ecostinger on 13th Dec 2015
Win a Free EcoStinger UV Protective Product, featuring
UPF50+ excellent UV protection blocking >97.5% of the sun UV
radiation, soft on the skin with silky touch keeping your skin cool
during hot weather conditions. EcoStinger sun protection products provide all day protection
against water and outdoor elements that can harm and damage your skin, such as
the sun UVA and UVB radiation