
Top Tips And Advise On Swimming In Cold Waters!

Posted by ecostinger on 9th Mar 2016

Despite cold water swimming being challenging to most people especially those who are not well acquainted with the activity, it comes with distinct advantages. In most cases, it takes place during win … read more

Water Sports

Posted by ecostinger on 22nd Apr 2015

Water environment in general is effective and enjoyable. Water enables the return to exercise quicker than on land. Exercising in water makes us feel about 90 percent lighter and we work against 1 … read more

Type Of Beach & Water Sports

Posted by ecostinger on 9th Apr 2015

Sports is very important for human health. It is an activity involving physical effort and skill. It build our strength physically and mentally . “Healthy body, healthy mind”. Sports can take … read more

Swimming Hazards and Conditions

Posted by ecostinger on 12th Mar 2015

Swimming is one of the most activity all people enjoy but it might be a dangerous activity so it is important to prevent any risk and be aware of swimming conditions. To be safe on the beach sta … read more

Hazards On The Beach

Posted by ecostinger on 28th Feb 2015

Almost all people enjoy going to the beach especially during summer. They plan and pack their beach bag, sunscreens and protection swim wear but most forget about the hazards that can be encou … read more