Is Sun Protection Swimwear Enough To Provide Adequate Skin Protection From UV Radiation?
Posted by ecostinger on 24th Feb 2016
Sun protection swimwear is special type of swim wear designed specifically to protect your skin from the harmful Ultraviolet radiation. If over exposed, the sun UV radiation can cause damage to the skin tissues and may lead to skin cancer. Wearing sun protective swimwear with UPF50+ sunblock can provide effective protection against the sun UV rays.
Different types of Skin protective swimwe
A New Study Says Sunscreen May Be Damaging The Planet's Coral Reefs
Posted by ecostinger and extract on 21st Oct 2015
Sunscreen Could Be Killing The World's Coral Reefs, Study Says
Just one drop of the stuff can damage delicate corals.
Extract of articles written by
Dominique Mosbergen Senior Writer, The Huffington Post and article provided by University of Central Florida
"We are losing huge areas of coral across the U.S., as well as internationally," said Mark Eakin, NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch
Skin Sunburn
Posted by ecostinger on 9th Sep 2014
sunburn is a form of radiation burn that affects the skin, that results from over exposure to the sun ultraviolet radiation. The UV radiation that damages the skin can also damage
the eyes.
Sunburn may damage the skin
and may cause skin cancer so we must be aware of UVB as well as UVA . We must take into consideration that the UV
rays can bounce off water,
UV Radiation
Posted by ecostinger on 14th Aug 2014
The most common place where you can be over-exposed to the sun UV
radiation is on the beach, therefore a special type of sun clothing is
required which can give you the right skin protection and the freedom
you expect to feel when spending your day swimming, sailing, surfing or
simply walking on the sands.
The ozone protects Earth from harmful UV radiation. Ozone depletion and