The beauty and the beast the message of love!
Posted by ecostinger on 3rd Apr 2017
It's a good idea for couples to go together to a Halloween party. But coming up with an attractive and unique couple's costume can be quite hard. The popular children's cartoon character, Beauty, and the Beast is ideal for couples. If you are planning to spend time with your kids on Halloween, it's great to dress up as Beauty and also the Beast while trick-or-treating with your kids. It's good for both you and your spouse and most especially, your kids as well. If you do want to dress up as Beauty and also the Beast, there here are some ideas which you can try out.
Beauty and also the Beast Costumes Can Be Crafted in a Single Day
In contrast to the Beast costume, Belle or Beauty's costume is simpler to create. Find a prom dress that's yellow or beige in color, and you're almost ready to go. It would be a nice to come up with something that closely resembles the actual cartoon figure. But it usually depends on your preferences and the prom dress collections that you can find at different local vintage and resale stores.
Making the Beast Costume Entails More Effort Compared to Beauty's
The easiest part in creating the Beast costume is on using some of the clothes in your husband's wardrobe. The tricky part of it is in coming up with the beast image. Second, you also need to gather long sleeve shirt, tie, blue jeans, dark socks or tights and shoes from your husband's wardrobe.
The first thing to make is the wolf's hood. Start by cutting the fake fur. Be sure to make it fit with the stocking cap. Make use of the cloth tape to fasten both the fur and the hood. Then, cut a hole in the fur piece to make it cover your hubby's head so that it slips through.
Next thing to do is the wolf's feet. Cut two wolf track shapes with pointed toes. Make sure that they are similar to each other. Utilize your husband's shoes by cutting its length. Don't forget to add an inch margin all the way around until you are finished cutting. Then cut a big 'X' from the fake fur. Create two shoelace holes in front of the 'X.' Have your husband place his foot through the 'X' and into his shoe. Tie up those shoelaces up and through the fake fur. It's done; you've already come up with your husband's 'beast' feet.
Lastly, you need to come up with a tail. This is easier to create, so don't worry a thing. Just cut a long piece of fake fur and make sure to come up with a tail-like form. Attach the sides with a double stick tape and then attach it to your husband's pants. Now, have your husband wear the hood on his head.
By creating the Beauty and also the Beast costumes, your kids will be able to visualize Disney's fairy tales. These costumes are unique, and it sure is perfect for both of you.
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