
Save 10% coupon code GET10 plus free shipping on orders >$49

Shipping & Return

FREE shipping on orders >$49USD USA and Worldwide!


Please allow 24 hours for processing your order in addition to the estimated delivery dates; Shipping cost and delivery estimate options available at checkout page before completing your purchase.

Contiguous USA:
- Free shipping: 10 - 14 days;
- Ground: 7 - 10 days;
- Expedited: 4 - 6 days;
Delivery to APO/FPO and Non-Contiguous USA addresses may take longer to deliver up to 21 days in some cases; Expedited shipping not available to P.O.Boxes!

Special Countries (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Israel, China, Hong Kong, UAE, Qatar):
- Free Shipping: 10 - 14 days;
- Airmail: 7 - 10 days;
- Expedited: 4 - 6 days;
Delivery to remote areas may take longer to deliver; Expedited shipping not available to P.O.Boxes!

EU Countries (Member States of the European Union):
- Free Shipping: 10 - 14 days;
- Airmail: 7 - 10 days;
- Expedited: 4 - 6 days (VAT and Duty may be charged by EU customs upon delivery);
Delivery to remote areas may take longer to deliver; Expedited shipping not available to P.O.Boxes!

Rest of the World:
- Free Shipping: 10 - 15 days;
- Airmail: 8 - 10 days;
- Expedited: 4 - 6 days;
Delivery to remote areas may take longer to deliver; Expedited shipping not available to P.O.Boxes!

We ship to virtually any address in the world, including our most popular destination countries: Canada, United Kingdom (please note some shipments to UK may be subject to UK customs charges mainly for products valued over $15 Pounds), Ireland, Australia, Norway, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Japan, Italy, Spain, Malta, India (shipping to India require GST and IEC numbers, please provide those in comment box before completing checkout) Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, UAE and many other countries worldwide.

Important: We believe duty and taxes are imposed on large or substantial orders, however some countries do impose taxes, duties or VAT on small orders as well, and can hold packages until taxes are paid.

Please also note that the shipping rates for all items we sell are weight-based. To reflect the policies of the shipping companies we use, all weights will be rounded up to the next full pound.

Return, Refund or Exchange
You can return the products in original condition and packing within 40 days after receiving your package and request an exchange or refund; No need for return authorization number. For Exchange simply include a note within the returned package for the exchange item or size you need, and we will ship your exchange item free of charge; For Refund just include a refund request note with your return package. For convenience you can return your package to below addresses depending on your location, please include your order number on the return address so we can process your refund/exchange without delays:

USA, Canada, Americas:
Attention: Linda Bisogno/EcoStinger Returns
13884 154th Place North
Jupiter, FL 33478

Asia Pacific:
Attention: Elias Doro/EcoStinger Returns
31 Hilltop Road
Merrylands, NSW 2160

if you need more information feel free to contact us. We answer promptly! try us!